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Tianjin state assets system held the study and implementation of the Party's 20 spirit of the propaganda report will solidly promote the Party's 20 spirit in the state assets and state-owned enterprises vivid practice 2022-11-25

      On November 21, Tianjin state-owned assets system held the study and implementation of the Party's 20 spirit preaching report, Zhang Yong, secretary of the Municipal SASAC Party Committee and director of the study and implementation of the Party's 20 spirit preaching report。The leading team members of the Municipal State Assets Committee, all party members and cadres of the two committee organs, as well as the leading team members of the municipal management and entrusted enterprises, a total of more than 500 people participated in the main venue or video sub-venue。

      张勇在宣讲中强调,要深刻领会党的二十大的重大现实意义和深远历史意义,更加自觉同以习近平同志为核心的党中央保持高度一致,更加坚定捍卫“两个确立”、做到“两个维护”的政治自觉。We must systematically grasp the spirit of the Party's 20 National Congresses,Deeply understand the work of the past five years and the great changes in the new era of 10 years,深刻领悟习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的世界观和方法论,A deep understanding of the essential requirements of Chinese modernization,Have a profound understanding of the goals, tasks and strategic plans for comprehensively building a modern socialist country,A profound understanding of the important requirements for the Party's self-revolution to lead the social revolution,We should effectively arm our minds, guide practice, and promote our work with the spirit of the Party's 20 Major Congresses。It is necessary to fully implement the new mission and new tasks entrusted by the Party's 20th Congress to state-owned enterprises, and promote the spirit of the Party's 20th Congress to live practice in the state-owned enterprises system in Tianjin。
      In his speech, Zhang Yong led the participants to study the major deployment of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises made by the report of the 20th National Congress of the Party and the Party Constitution adopted by the 20th National Congress of the Party, and put forward new and higher requirements for the reform and development of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises and Party building。The report of the Party's 20th National Congress emphasizes the adherence to and improvement of the basic socialist economic system and the adherence to the "two unwavering" basis,The state assets and state-owned enterprises have made "deepening the reform of state assets and state-owned enterprises.,We will accelerate the optimization and structural adjustment of the state-owned economy,We will encourage state capital and state-owned enterprises to become stronger, better and bigger,Enhance the core competitiveness of the enterprise "important deployment,At the same time, it proposed to "improve the modern enterprise system with Chinese characteristics.,Promote entrepreneurship,Accelerate the construction of world-class enterprises "clear requirements。In particular, it emphasized that state-owned enterprises and financial enterprises should strengthen the Party's leadership in improving corporate governance, and strengthen the party building work of mixed-ownership enterprises and non-public enterprises。The Party Constitution adopted by the 20th Party Congress reaffirms that "Party committees (Party groups) of state-owned enterprises play a leading role, guide the direction, manage the overall situation, ensure the implementation, and discuss and decide on major matters of enterprises in accordance with regulations", and improves the responsibilities and tasks of Party committees (Party groups) of state-owned enterprises to strengthen the construction of Party organizations。
      In his speech, Zhang Yong stressed that Tianjin state-owned assets system should effectively study, publicize and implement the spirit of the Party's 20 Major Congress as the primary political task at present and in the future period, highlight ideological guidance, strengthen responsibility and act, and work hard in comprehensive study, comprehensive grasp and comprehensive implementation:We must do a good job of learning and publicity,Strengthen organizational promotion, leading cadres should take the lead in learning, take the lead in speaking, take the lead in preaching, both to be doers, but also to be propagandists, to promote the party's 20 spirit into the workshop, into the team, into the dock, into the campus, to show the practical actions, typical deeds and good spiritual style of learning and implementing the Party's 20 spirit。We should study and plan reform and development measures by benchmarking and benchmarking.We will continue to make good use of the key move of deepening reform,We will further improve the modern enterprise system with Chinese characteristics,Highlight the new requirements of "enhancing the core competitiveness of enterprises",To build new modern state-owned enterprises that are compatible with a high-level socialist market economy and a high-level opening up;We will continue to improve the distribution and structural adjustment of state capital,Focus on strategic security, industrial leadership, national economy and people's livelihood, public services and other functions,Develop and strengthen the real economy,Improve the ability of service to build a new development pattern;Strengthen the "root" and strengthen the "soul",Comprehensively strengthen the party leadership of state-owned enterprises and party building,We will deepen the development of comprehensive and strict self-governance over the Party,Effectively transform the advantages of enterprise party building into development advantages and competitive advantages。To study and implement the spirit of the Party's 20 National Congress as a strong driving force,We will do a good job in all key tasks at present,Complete the annual target tasks with high quality,Better serve the overall economic and social development of the city;High-quality state-owned enterprise reform three years of action to end the war,To achieve "should be changed as much as possible", "both form and spirit" and "quality double";We need to balance development and security,Always tighten the safety of production,Compacting the main responsibility of safety production of enterprises at all levels,Epidemic prevention and control on a regular basis,We will ensure people's livelihood in winter。
      Everyone unanimously said that the Party's 20th National Congress has pointed out the way forward for the development of the cause of the Party and the country in the new era and on a new journey to achieve the second centenary goal, and injected a strong impetus to strengthen, improve and expand state-owned capital and state-owned enterprises。天津国资系统将更加紧密团结在以习近平同志为核心的党中央周围,We will fully implement the guiding principles of the Party's 20th National Congress,Fully implement the deployment requirements of the municipal committee and the municipal government,We will strengthen our confidence in development and strengthen our commitment to our mission,踔厉 Work hard and forge ahead bravely,We will accelerate the high-quality development of state assets and state-owned enterprises,To build a modern socialist country in an all-round way,To create a new situation in the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist metropolis to contribute to the strength of state-owned assets。

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